Premium Mobile Numbers

Making Your Number Game Strong

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Facing difficulty in searching to pick number of your choice with any Network Operator? Here is the route for the same.

You can get all the solutions in one go: Weather it be your choice of number, location or network.

MyIVR solution is a package for all your premium mobile number demands.This specialized VIP network provider has both prepaid as well as postpaid services. This services can be provided with your choice of number, network and the location at which you want to get it delivered.

VIP Mobile Numbers

Premium Mobile Numbers 

Fancy Mobile Numbers

Customized Mobile numbers

Lucky Mobile Numbers

Numerology Choice Mobile Numbers

Complete IVR Setup with desired Numbers

Toll Free Numbers

Virtual Mobile Numbers

Why Us?

3 Solutions has been a trusted VIP and Premium number distributor across PAN India since years. At 3 Solutions you will not only find solutions to your choice Number-Network-Location requirement, but also find answers to your various types of number needs as per your business requirement perspective. With our belief in serving before selling, our list of happy customers has grown beyond our own expectations and we wish to keep walking with it.

Wide range of numbers

At 3 Solutions we provide a wide range of choice numbers that can fulfil all your personal number and business number requirements. The numbers available with us range from Multiple 0s to Multiple 9s in various permutations and combinations. Please check the various ‘Type of Numbers’ available with us that can best match your requirement or leave us a query.

Cater to PAN India

Our services are not restricted to any particular location. We cater our services across PAN India in the same committed time frame of 24 hour door step delivery.

All Networks

At 3 Solutions we are associated with India’s all top network operators directly. You choose the network you require for your choice of number and have it available at your door step.

Prepaid as well as Postpaid Network Services

The number you choose can be availed in prepaid or postpaid, as per your requirement with no barriers on any network services.

Customized to your word prompt activation

You can have your number customised forming any word of your choice and can have the world remember your number by that word. It can be your name, your brand or your any chosen key word.

Example : Dial 9191 BHAVIK on your dialler – 9191 242845.

Door step delivery and activation within 24 hours

We deliver ready-to-use numbers. We not only promise the delivery of your choice number within 24 hours but also assure you on the immediate activation for same.

Value for money

Your number is your appreciation asset. The numbers you purchase from us is a one-time investment for you that will holds monetary value for a lifetime.

Corporate Account Formation

We can help you with a corporate account formation for your business and provide you with a series of numbers in similar combinations for your employees and IVR purposes. Reach out to us at or Enquire Now for more information.

Ownership Transfer

We can help you transfer the ownership of any number bought from us, to any desired person or business.

Rectification of Network Issues

Reach out to us at or Enquire Now for more information on same.

Type of numbers


Unique Numbers


Two Digit Numbers

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Mirror Numbers

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AB AB ABNumbers

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ABC ABCNumbers

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Inclining Numbers

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Tetra Numbers

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Penta Numbers

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Hexa Numbers

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Septa Numbers

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Octa Numbers

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Nepta Numbers

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Word Prompt Numbers

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